Friday, June 17, 2011

What Is To Become Of Tinierme?

  Recently, Tinierme has been releasing gachas that could only be played with G-coins. So all you G-coin users are in luck, while chibi coin users are being kicked to the curb. Chibi coin users, I sympathize with you guys since I am too a chibi coin user. So no, I do not buy virtual currency.
  But I am not complaining that Tinierme is only releasing G-coin gachas since I know that in life, you get more out of things if you pay. Since I don't, then it sucks and I'll just have to live with it. What I am doing though, is just informing all my blog followers that I only post the arrival of chibi coin gachas on this blog. So with all the new G-coin gachas, there would not be any recent posts for a while. I am sincerely sorry.


  1. Correcto! I don't get the heck would the creators leave out the chibi coins section for us! It seems that they're really pushing us tempting us to buy g-coins for their expense. That's not fair to most who can't afford or are not willing to pay for g-coins. I'm sure most players would quit for this unfair change since there's nothing to gain for free now a days.

  2. Ha ha ha. It seems like you guessed the correct reason why I have been on and off on Tinierme recently. ;)


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